On Hiatus Until Further Notice

13 June 2015

Well guys, I managed just over a month since my last hiatus, but I think it's time for another one. Last time, my break was to focus on the direction of my blog, but this time things are a little more personal, and it's doubtful that I'll even be around to answer comments or visit other blogs. If you want to know the reasons behind this seemingly sudden decision, keep on reading.

Many of you already know that I quit my job in April due to some health issues. Since then, the doctor has diagnosed me with both IBS and severe depression and anxiety, but because of the health service in England, I'm not going to be able to claim incapacity benefits for very long (invisible illnesses apparently don't count when it comes to whether or not you're fit for work), so I need to start looking for a job immediately, regardless of how bad my stomach is, or how terrible I feel mentally.

Unfortunately, this is a very stressful time and I don't have the concentration span, nor the free time available to keep this blog running. I'm going to start on my antidepressants within the next few days (I keep putting it off because I hate the little monster pills), so I won't be feeling very human for the next month or so, and I don't want that to affect my blog. At the end of the day, blogging just isn't a whole lot of fun right now and I don't want my content to suffer because my heart isn't really in it. I hope you understand!

Sorry about the personal post - I don't normally do this kind of thing - but I feel as though I owe it to you guys to try and explain why I'm abandoning this blog to the elements for a while. I don't know when I'll be back, but hopefully in a few weeks I'll be feeling more like myself and the worst will have passed. 

I hope you guys understand, and I'm sure I'll see you again before you know it. ♥

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